Grow. Connect. Belong.
New Leaf Link (NeLL) is a non-profit charitable organization that supports adults with developmental disabilities. NeLL provides programming in Arts, Healthy Living and Community participation. We focus on activities that develop independent life skills, communication, exercise, social interaction and community involvement. NeLL is a place for everyone to learn together and build friendships.
News & Events

Maple Syrup Fundraiser 2025!
NeLL's delicious maple syrup comes in bottles of 1L for $22, 2L for $38,
and 4L for $70. Order deadline is April 16th. Your maple syrup will be
ready for pick up on Saturday, April 19th between 10am and 1pm. We have
convenient pick up locations for you to choose from in Sydenham,
Harrowsmith, Hartington, Kingston East, Kingston West, Kingston Central,
Kingston North, Odessa, Napanee, Belleville, and Trenton. Click here to
order https://bit.ly/MapleSyrupNeLL or email maplesyrup@newleaflink.ca.
Order your maple syrup today!

New Leaf Link is proud to announce that it is the successful recipient of the Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed Grant, an investment to build healthy and vibrant communities. This grant of $38,800 will help New Leaf Link create new services in 2025 to better address the needs of our community. These services will include transportation to and from the program for participants and extending the day program hours with a new "Before and After" program. Stay tuned for more information about these exciting developments!

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